REA 2004 - Pocket Book

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Updated on 22 de junio de 2024 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 - CC BY 4.0

Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente

A Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) é um instituto público integrado na administração indireta do Estado, sob tutela do Ministério do Ambiente, dotado de autonomia administrativa e financeira e património próprio, e resulta da fusão de nove organismos, conforme estipulado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º…

6070 datasets


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 - CC BY 4.0


Fecha de creación
11 de febrero de 2021
Latest resource update
22 de junio de 2024
Harvester Portal do Ambiente
2024-06-22 07:09:54.571000




The State of the Environment Report 2004 – Pocket Book is a new initiative
to meet the objective of providing environmental data in a more accessible
way to a broader audience.
This publication offers a concise version of the State of the Environment
Report 2004 (SoER 2004), and includes the same number of key indicators.
The format and contents allow for a quick and broad assessment of the
implementation of environmental strategies, policies, plans and programmes
in Portugal, as well as the country’s capacity to meet the objectives and targets
to which it is committed.

Files 1

Pré-Visualização 0


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